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Career Pathway
Get hired – or your money back, guaranteed.

Metana's Job Guarantee

With our job guarantee, you’re guaranteed a new job — or you’ll get a full tuition refund. We’re so confident that our programs provide a direct path to a high-paying job that we offer the following guarantee:

“If you qualify for our 100% Tuition Refund Guarantee, fulfill the requirements, and still don’t get job offers paying $50,000 a year (or $4,166 a month) within 180 days after graduation, you’ll get a full refund.”

Who qualifies for the Tuition Refund Guarantee?

+ Risk Free 2-Week Refund Guarantee

The criteria listed below are a starting point in the process and do not guarantee eligibility.

  • You complete the Weekly Career Commitments for 180 days. Weekly commitments include:
    • Applying to 10 jobs after the 12th week of the program.
    • Posting at least 5 GitHub contributions
  • Must be proficient in spoken and written English, as determined by initial interactions with our Admissions team
  • You graduated from Metana’s bootcamp, receiving a Certificate of Completion.
  • Must be able to pass any background checks associated with jobs that you apply for.
  • Opted in for the job guarantee when accepting the offer. (Haven’t claimed the non-job-guarantee discount)

We also offer a hassle-free two-week refund policy. If you’re not satisfied with your purchase for any reason, you can request a refund, no questions asked.

2 weeks no questions asked refund policy for all courses | Job Guarantee is only for selected courses & for students who're eligible for it.

Metana's Statement of Job Guarantee.

One of the most common questions we receive from prospective students is, “How is Metana able to guarantee a job? That seems like an incredibly bold claim.”

At first glance, you’d be right to be skeptical. We don’t control the employers we partner with or the companies you will interview with.

But there is actually a way for Metana to offer this and still remain financially viable. As long as Metana has a high success rate in placing students, then Metana is able to stay profitable.

Therefore our goal is to prepare you in such a way that it is incredibly unlikely that you would not get hired.

Let’s use an extreme example to drive the point home. A hypothetical student graduates from a top university grinds leetcode for 3 months, builds side projects with a visible portfolio, and sends out dozens of applications. On top of that, this hypothetical student knows insiders at various companies and asks for a referral. This student conducts herself in a professional manner throughout the whole process.

What are the chances that this hypothetical student would not get a decent job?

We think you’d agree that not only is it incredibly unlikely that this student wouldn’t get a decent job, but you’d also be surprised if that student didn’t get a job at all. In fact, if you were forced to wager on the student’s outcome, we’re pretty sure you would bet on the student’s almost inevitable success. Maybe once in a blue moon, you’d lose your bet, but the majority of the time you expect your bet to be profitable.

That’s the bet that Metana makes. Thus, Metana’s job guarantee isn’t really that incredible if you think about it.

We know what a compelling applicant looks like, and our goal is to help you transform into that compelling applicant as quickly as possible.

The job guarantee is not about us being so amazing. Sure, we are selective in who we admit. Yes, we put a lot of effort into both our general curriculum strategy and your personal strategy. Of course, our partnerships matter a lot.

But the job guarantee is about you and a process that has worked for so many other successful job seekers. We guarantee that if you check certain boxes, there is a decent company out there that is desperate to hire you. We are not pretending this is easy. Some of those boxes are difficult to check and will require a lot of work on your end, but we’re here to help you check them.

Metana is about showing you the fastest path from where you are now to the dream applicant companies want. That’s why we stand behind our job guarantee.

Career support

Metana's JobCamp™️

Get hired at top tech companies

Metana’s JobCamp help you land your dream job. We do this by teaching you to skills to make lasting first impressions, network effectively, & search for jobs with confidence.

At the interview phase; we guide you to master technical and non-technical interviews, and negotiate better salaries.

Metana’s JobCamp is included with all our bootcamps, and it is also open to anyone seeking extra help and an edge in securing their next job. Metana graduates, as well as graduates from other coding bootcamps, CS majors, and self-taught developers, are all welcome.


Average salary increase

Metana students who provided pre- and post-course salaries.

First Impressions

Make a brilliant first impression. LinkedIn, GitHub, and Resume templates and guidance.

The Hunting Part

Learn to build connections, how to look for jobs, and explore starting as a freelancer.

The Interview Process

Learn about both the technical and non-technical parts of an interview and how to prepare effectively.

Spring Career Kickstart Book a call before Mar 31st to get 20% OFF!

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