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Metana's Blog

Here you can read the latest of Web3 Blockchain, & Crypto blogs & tutorials.


JavaScript and JSON: Working with Data

Imagine creating a sophisticated website that showcases your favorite musicians, complete with their names, genres, and intriguing facts. To effectively manage and display this information,

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Smart Contracts

Address Poisoning in Smart Contracts

Web3 thrives on user empowerment and the ease of sending and receiving cryptocurrency. However, a growing threat lurks in the shadows: Address Poisoning. This malicious

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Smart Contracts

Mixed Accounting in Smart Contracts

Web3 is ushering in a new era of financial applications, blending traditional finance (TradFi) with decentralized finance (DeFi). Many projects straddle this line, requiring a

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Smart Contracts

Oracle Dependence in Smart Contracts

Web3 applications represent the cutting edge of decentralization, but they do not operate in isolation. These applications require real-world data to function effectively, and this

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Smart Contracts

Flash Loan Attacks in Smart Contracts

Flash loans, a cornerstone of DeFi (Decentralized Finance), offer exciting liquidity possibilities. But in the wrong hands, they can become a developer’s nightmare – fueling

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Smart Contracts

Governance Attacks in Smart Contracts

In the realm of Web3, the concept of decentralization is not just a buzzword—it’s a fundamental principle. Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) epitomize this ethos, where

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Smart Contracts

Reentrancy Attack in Smart Contracts

In a traditional transaction, one party sends funds to another in exchange for goods or services. This exchange typically follows a well-defined sequence of steps.

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Exploring the Mempool: A Deep Dive

Have you ever sent a cryptocurrency payment and felt like it’s taking forever to confirm? You’re not alone. Unlike swiping your debit card, crypto transactions

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Ethernaut Walkthrough

Ethernaut Level 12 Walkthrough: Privacy

Ethernaut Level 12 titled “Privacy” challenges the concept of “private” data on the blockchain. In this level, you’ll encounter a locked contract, and your objective

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Ethernaut Walkthrough

Ethernaut Level 11 Walkthrough: Elevator

Ethernaut challenges, comparable to a Web3-themed hacking Capture The Flag (CTF) competition, offer a dynamic environment for diving into Ethereum and Solidity programming. Each level

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Bcrypt and JWT: Web App Security

In today’s digital world, security is paramount. As we increasingly rely on web applications to store sensitive information, it’s crucial to ensure that this data

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What is Node.js? Explained Simply

Imagine a world where you can leverage the same language, JavaScript, that brings websites to life, to power the engines behind those websites. That’s the

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Ethernaut Walkthrough

Ethernaut Level 9 Walkthrough: King

In this challenge, we’ll dive into smart contracts’ payment vulnerability and essential security practices to prevent such issues. By the end of ethernaut level 9,

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Ethernaut Walkthrough

Ethernaut Level 8 Walkthrough: Vault

Ethernaut challenges, akin to a hacking Capture The Flag (CTF) for Web3 enthusiasts, provide an immersive platform to explore Ethereum and Solidity programming. Each challenge

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DAO Treasury Management

Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) are reshaping collaboration, but managing their treasuries requires specialized knowledge. This guide will take you through the secrets of effective DAO

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The Rise of Layer 2 Solutions

Blockchains, the revolutionary technology underpinning cryptocurrencies and decentralized applications (dApps), have a fundamental challenge: SCALABILITY. As these networks gain traction and user adoption increases, their

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Object Oriented JavaScript

JavaScript (JS), the popular language of web development, has a unique relationship with object-oriented programming (OOP). In contrast to class-based languages like Java or C++,

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JavaScript Control Structures

JavaScript, the popular language for web development, empowers developers to create dynamic and interactive experiences. At the heart of this dynamism lie control structures –

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JavaScript Arrays

JavaScript arrays plays a crucial role in data organization in the language. They provide a flexible and dynamic way to store collections of elements, making

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Functions in JavaScript

Functions are the foundation of well-structured, maintainable, and scalable JavaScript code. They encapsulate a specific task, promoting code reusability and fostering modular programming practices. This

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JavaScript Variables

Variables are the fundamental building blocks of any programming language. They act as named containers that store data, allowing us to manipulate and reference that

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Javascript Operators

JavaScript operators are the building blocks that bring your code to life. They perform actions on values, compare data, control program flow, and manipulate data

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What are Web3.js Providers [Explained]

Web3.js, a popular JavaScript library, empowers developers to build decentralized applications (dApps) that interact with blockchains. But how do these dApps actually connect to the

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Ethernaut Walkthrough

Ethernaut Level 2 Walkthrough: Fallout

The Ethernaut Level 2 offers a fascinating glimpse into the vulnerabilities that can arise from seemingly minor oversights in smart contract development. This article takes

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How Does a DAO Work?

Have you stumbled upon the acronym DAO and scratched your head in confusion? You’re not alone. Decentralized Autonomous Organizations are the new hot topic in

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How Hard Is It to Learn JavaScript?

Ever witnessed a tragicomedy unfold on a computer screen? Imagine someone fervently clicking a JavaScript-generated pop-up, only to spawn more pop-ups with every desperate click.

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5 Best Web3 Development Bootcamps

Ah, the world of Web3! It’s vast, it’s exciting, and it’s… slightly overwhelming, isn’t it? If you’re feeling lost in the sea of Web3 bootcamps,

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Smart Contracts

10 Best Practices for Smart Contract Coding

Solidity, the language powering Ethereum smart contracts, offers immense potential for building decentralized applications (dApps). However, the unique blockchain environment demands a different approach to

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Smart Contracts

What is the Solidity Console Log?

Debugging is super important when you make things using Solidity, a language for Ethereum smart contracts. Imagine building a LEGO structure, but once it’s built,

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What Are WebSockets and How Do They Work?

WebSockets have revolutionized web development, enabling real-time, bidirectional communication between clients and servers. WebSockets play a crucial role in the Web3 ecosystem by enabling real-time,

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Full Stack Developer Roadmap for 2024

Ever wonder how your favorite websites work? They’re not just pretty faces – they’re complex creations, and full-stack developers are the masterminds behind them. These

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Solidity Variables- Types and Uses_

Solidity Variables: Types and Uses

Solidity is the most popular programming language for developing smart contracts on Ethereum. And just like in any programming language, Solidity variables play a crucial

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How to Write Solidity Smart Contracts

Smart contracts are like digital wizards—self-executing agreements with predefined rules, all meticulously encoded. They’re the enchanting core of blockchain technology, promising a world of transparency

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AI & Machine Learning

Is It Hard To Become A Data Analyst?

In today’s data-driven world, the demand for skilled data analysts is skyrocketing. But is becoming a data analyst as challenging as it seems? “Is it

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Is the Metana Bootcamp Legit?

Looking to expand your knowledge and skills in blockchain development, AI & ML? With so many online courses and bootcamps available, it can be difficult

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What are Events in Solidity?

What are Solidity Events? Solidity events are a way for smart contracts to communicate with each other and with external applications. They allow developers to

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5 Web3 Courses to Try in Coursera

Web3 coursera courses can help you have an opportunity into the web3 industry. As blockchain technology gains popularity, there is a greater need for qualified

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Smart Contract ABI: What is it?

What is Smart Contract ABI? A smart contract ABI, or Application Binary Interface, is a standard way to interact with smart contracts in the Ethereum

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Smart Contracts

Can I learn Solidity for free?

Solidity is a high-level programming language that is primarily used to develop smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. It is a powerful tool for creating

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Is Solidity Hard to Learn?

We at Metana, believe that the learning Solidity programming language is essential for building decentralized applications (dApps) on the Ethereum blockchain. It is a high-level

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Why Learn Solana? Is it worth it?

Solana is now the fourth-biggest cryptocurrency in the world, but what does the future look like for blockchain developers. Should you learn Solana right now?

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Web3: in a nutshell

This amazing post was originally posted by Eshita here. To understand Web3, let’s go through the features of Web1 and Web2. Web1: Read-Only The internet

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