Blockchain Education
Most advanced Solidity curriculum on the internet
Web3 Solidity Bootcamp in Sweden
(Ethereum Blockchain)
2 weeks no questions asked refund policy | Get hired – or your money back, guaranteed

16-22 Weeks
Course Duration
Time Commitment
4.8 Star
Rating on Course Report
Average salary increase
Metana students who provided pre- and post-course salaries.
Blockchain Engineer average salary
Source: ziprecruiter
Why Metana?
Metana Guarantees a Job
Most up-to-date and advanced curriculum
Metana Students get hired
1-on-1 mentorship, expert code reviews, coaching & career services
Find the answers you can’t Google
Industry-Experienced Instructors
In-Demand Curriculum
AI for Engineers learning unit + AI interactive learning series
Job placement assistance if needed
Plus, our online Web3 Solidity Bootcamp covers all relevant languages, tools, including:

Engineers at top companies join Metana

Metana is the longest-running Web3 bootcamp, and the Wayback Machine confirms it. Not just the longest-running, but also the most advanced and student-friendly bootcamp out there.
Metana’s graduates are equipped to succeed in the professional world through Metana’s foundational teaching method & its JobCamp™️ allows students to thrive in their first job and every job after. Metana’s solidity bootcamp is like no other. Go beyond learning Solidity, tokens, and NFTs. We believe you can become a senior blockchain engineer through expert mentorship.
Web3 represents the next wave of the internet, built on decentralized networks that promote much greater individual control and privacy. To fuel this innovation, companies are scrambling to hire Web3 developers.
If you’re a software developer looking to upskill, Web3 could be your perfect opportunity to work at the forefront of tech innovation.
When you learn Web3 skills, you put yourself in a position to transform your career, income, and future. Metana’s Solidity bootcamp trains you for a Web3 career in as few as 16 to 22 weeks.
Roles and Salaries
In the field of Web3, there are many career paths to follow based on your skills and experience. Metana’s Web3 Solidity Bootcamp gives you the opportunity to become a Smart Contract Developer, Web3 Developer, or Smart Contract Auditor. Here are the industry average Web3 Developer Salaries according to Source.
Position | Avg Yearly Salary | Min Yearly Salary | Max Yearly Salary |
Smart Contract Developer | SEK 950k | SEK 500k | SEK 1.5M |
Solidity Developer | SEK 900k | SEK 30k | SEK 150k |
Rust Developer | SEK 850k | SEK 450k | SEK 1.3M |
Blockchain Developer | SEK 800k | SEK 420k | SEK 1.2M |
Senior developers have the highest average salary of $120k per year, with a minimum base salary of $65k and a maximum of $200k.
Junior developers have the lowest salary. Their average yearly salary is $60k, with a minimum base salary of $25k and a maximum of $120k.
Position | Avg Yearly Salary | Min Yearly Salary | Max Yearly Salary |
Senior Developer | SEK 950k | SEK 500k | SEK 1.5M |
Lead Developer | SEK 900k | SEK 450k | SEK 1.3M |
Architecture Developer | SEK 1M | SEK 500k | SEK 1.7M |
Junior Developer | SEK 500k | SEK 250k | SEK 800k |
Metana guarantees you a job upon completing the bootcamp – Or a 100% refund. Click here to learn more about Metana’s Job Guarantee.
If I can serve as an inspiration for you guys, I just got a job offer a few hours ago at 110k plus 20K tokens. So, this is only a few weeks away, guys, like literally just a few weeks away. Hard work and you get there. 130k USD in Thailand. This is gonna be a great time.
Our curriculum is developed by industry experts from leading Web3 companies and universities. Not only is it developed but also vetted and taught. We do not believe in recreating the wheel. This is a guided pathway we’ve put together with quality content & vetted exercises from all over the internet to make you job-ready. It’s Up to date for 2024.
Metana’s four-month curriculum will teach you how solidity on Ethereum works from the ground up. Our bootcamp is very development heavy & focuses on your portfolio to show future employers.
Module 01 – Foundations and Beginner Solidity |
Module 02 – NFTs and Marketplaces |
Module 03 – Website Integrations with Smart Apps |
Module 04 – Hardhat. Unit Testing, Mutation testing, and Static Analysis |
Module 05 – Building using the Ethereum client |
Module 06 – Security Basics: Access Control, Re-entrancy, Tx.origin, Unsafe Randomness, Logical Errors, Arithmetic Errors |
Module 07 – Gas Optimization. EVM-Related Security. Understanding Bytecode |
Module 08 – Miscellaneous Advanced Topics |
Module 09 – Smart Contract Upgrades and Proxy-Related Vulnerabilities |
Module 10 – YUL and Byte Manipulation |
Module 11 – Transactions, Multi signatures, and Meta transactions. ECDSA and its weaknesses |
Module 12 – Defi Protocols and Exploits |
Module 13 – Oracles and Capstone Part 1 |
Module 14 – Modern Smart Contract Tools and Capstone Part 2 |
Module 15 – Advanced Testing with Echidna and Manticore |
Module 16 – Staking On Ethereum |
Module 17 – DAOs |
Here's what growth looks like with and without Metana:

Without Metana
Random tactics
No clear pathway
Tutorial hell

With Metana
Clear Vision
Learn with practice

Metana Guarantees a Job
And, Risk Free 2-Week Refund Guarantee
With our job guarantee, you’re guaranteed a new job in web3—or you’ll get a full tuition refund. We’re so confident that our programs provide a direct path to a high-paying job that we offer the following guarantee:
If you qualify for our 100% Tuition Refund Guarantee, fulfill the requirements, and still don’t get job offers paying $50,000 a year (or $4,166 a month) within 180 days after graduation, you’ll get a full refund.
We also offer a hassle-free two-week refund policy. If you’re not satisfied with your purchase for any reason, you can request a refund, no questions asked.
Meet the Instructors
Dhruvin Parikh
Dhruvin entered the blockchain field in early 2017 and now holds the position of Senior Smart Contract Engineer at Hypotenuse Labs.
Since 2019, he has also been teaching blockchain technology at George Brown College and York University in Toronto, both of which were the first in Canada to introduce a blockchain program.
Previously, he served as CTO and Senior Blockchain Developer at Capital Methods.

David Killen
David is currently a Sr. Blockchain Engineer at TrustWallet. He’s Ex-ConsenSys/Truffle Suite & a Solicitor.
David started his career in software engineering in 1997 writing financial technical analysis software for Reuters. He then changed his career to be a commercial and intellectual property lawyer. He entered the blockchain space in 2011.

Aaron Guyett
Co-Founder & CTO at | Ex Amazon, Pedestal
Aaron is a tech and compliance geek, gamer, and web3 builder. Currently, he’s enabling brands to engage at

Career Success - Metana's JobCamp™️
Our career success team gives our students the professional skills they need for their first job and every job after. Knowing how to get a job is critical, which is why our Career Success Team helps you graduate ready for the job search. After you graduate, our team is available to keep you motivated, prepare you for interviews, and even help you negotiate offers.
- Build a Technical Resume
- Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile
- Network within the Industry
- Prepare for Behavioral Interviews
- Stay Motivated on the Job Search
- Craft Cover Letters
- Communicate with Recruiters
First Impressions
The Hunt
The Interview Process
Technical Know-How
Learn common technical questions, and describe them during a whiteboard interview. Practice coding techniques for take home assignments.
Jobcamp is provided free as part of the Solidity Bootcamp
Upcoming Cohorts
You can always choose to pause the program and resume where you left off if it’s too fast-paced for you or if life gets in the way. There is no financial cost associated with this. We want you to succeed and won’t make you follow a schedule that doesn’t suit you.
Early February
Seat Availability
Late February
Seat Availability
Early March
Seat Availability
Late March
Seat Availability
We offer three options to get your career change started. All plans include a full refund policy if you do not get a job after graduating.
This investment includes a full year of access to our Web3 course material. Additionally, the course offers live events, AMA sessions, personalized support from the instructor, and a certificate of completion for those who complete the course.
You can pay your tuition via card, bank transfers, or with crypto.
Career Builder
Web3 career with all the essentials
SEK81,800UpfrontOr, pay SEK 21,810 at enrolment and kr16360/month for 5 months
- Job Guarantee
- Expert-curated curriculum
- Up-to-date curriculum
- Lifetime access to materials
- Weekly Office Hours
- Weekly code review session
- 1:1 monthly accountability calls
- 1:1 strategic calls
- Monthly Specialist Workshops
- On-demand mentor support
- Active online student community
- Jobcamp
- 1:1 career coaching calls
- Group career coaching calls
- Resume & LinkedIn reviews
- Access to our employer network
- 1-year career support
- Advisor matching
- Perks package
Pro Elevate
Advanced skills with added support
SEK106,880UpfrontOr, pay SEK 21,810 at enrolment and kr21270/month for 5 months
- Job Guarantee
- Expert-curated curriculum
- Up-to-date curriculum
- Lifetime access to materials
- Weekly Office Hours
- 2 Weekly code review sessions
- 1:1 monthly accountability calls
- 1:1 strategic calls
- Monthly Specialist Workshops
- On-demand mentor support
- Active online student community
- Jobcamp
- 1:1 career coaching calls
- Group career coaching calls
- Resume & LinkedIn reviews
- Access to our employer network
- 3-year career support
- Enhanced advisor matching
- Enhanced Perks package
Personal loan
Apply for a loan & pay it off in installments.
Some students use personal loans to pay for their education. There are many personal lending options for you to research and consider.
Keep in mind that Metana does not endorse, recommend, or promote any particular lender. The payment choice is at the discretion of you, the student. If you decide to use a personal loan, make sure to choose the option that works best for you.
Below are a few options; personal loans may also be available through your personal financial institution.
Apply for a Climb Credit loan
Admission Policy and Process
You have to prove your seriousness in learning and then only you are admitted to our bootcamp. This makes our admission policy as unique as our Bootcamp.
Admission Policy
- The coding test result you receive will be the most important component of your application.
- Proficiency in English is essential.
- Past achievements. We want to see that you have the perseverance to work at something until you master it.
- It will be beneficial to have some prior knowledge of blockchain programming. Although prior blockchain knowledge is not required, our curriculum is fairly fast-paced, so having a head start will help you succeed and show us that you are committed to the subject.
Admission Process
Submit your application
Start your career by completing our short application.
Complete the coding test
Gauges readiness for the fast-paced, intense immersive program.
The Interview call
Schedule an interview call with one of our student admissions officers
- After you submit your application & schedule an interview call with one of our student admissions officers, You will receive an email with a link to a coding test. (dates are available within 3-7 days from the application date)
- You need to complete the coding test within 3 days.
- Send us an email if you need more time ([email protected])
- Your application will be rejected if your score falls short of a predetermined level. Because we need to compare your application to those of the other applicants for the upcoming cohorts, we can’t always make a decision right away.
- We limit cohorts to 10 students per month to ensure maximally effective learning outcomes. If you have a great application but didn’t quite make it in, we will offer to waitlist you for the upcoming month.
Frequently Asked Questions
15% Tutorials, 85% Coding. Group office hours will be held once a week & with a weekly one-on-one session.
All content will be delivered through video & text using our LMS.
Each week at Metana includes four key events:
- A group class and discussion lasting for 1 hour. Students are encouraged to prepare a list of questions for the instructor ahead of time, and the next week's assignment will be introduced and clarified during this meeting. The group class also provides an opportunity to discuss recent crypto events and explore more in-depth blockchain concepts that may not be covered in the curriculum.
- A 30-minute one-on-one code review session with an instructor, during which the instructor will provide feedback on the code written during the previous week.
- Time dedicated to studying materials for that week's topic. Materials may include reading or video resources provided by Metana.
- Completing the new assignment, which will typically take up the majority of the week.
In addition, Metana also provides support for interview preparation and instructors are available to work closely with students to get them ready for pending interviews.
Personalized Instruction. Every week you will spend half an hour one-on-one with a senior engineer who will do an expert review of the code you wrote for the assignments. He or she will point out mistakes and suggest improvements. If serious mistakes are found, you must go back and fix them. (If you don’t like taking direct feedback on how to improve, Metana is not for you!)
Small Cohorts. In addition to your weekly personalized meeting, you will meet 1 hour per week with your cohort and the instructor to discuss what you learned, ask hard questions, discuss crypto news, and generally have an awesome discussion with smart and passionate people. Each cohort has a hard cap of 10, and we frequently make it smaller. You will be surrounded by like-minded people who help keep you accountable and stay on track.
Hands-on Emphasis. There is no tutorial hell with Metana. At least 80% of your learning hours will be spent coding or hacking.
Extremely Rigorous Curriculum. Although 80% is practice, the remaining 20% of theory matters too. We don’t see theory and practice as either or. We want you to know the fundamentals and the minute details of how things work.
We go way beyond other courses in what we require you to understand.
For example, towards the end of the course, you will be writing non-trivial smart contracts completely in assembly (Yul), breaking incorrectly used public signature cryptography, creating an Ethereum wallet from scratch, using testing techniques most developers have not heard of, reverse engineering the compiler output without the aid of a decompiler, and recreating hacks that have drained applications of millions of dollars.
You will understand at a deep level how smart contracts store various kinds of data on the blockchain and how transactions are formed and interpreted.
Being familiar with Solidity will be a huge advantage. However not required. You can learn Solidity quite easily, but writing secure code is the tricky part. But no worries, that’s exactly why this bootcamp is here!
Yes. You should feel at ease writing unit tests in Javascript and building clear and simple web applications. Our emphasis is on smart contracts; this is not a web development bootcamp. (If you're a beginner coder, check out our Full stack - web3 Beginner bootcamp) We assume that you already know the fundamentals of web development and Javascript or that you can figure it out on your own without our guidance.
If you are confident that you can handle Javascript development during those weeks, feel free to wing it, but expect to spend extra time.
Before beginning, we advise learning some of the fundamentals of react js if you are not a front-end developer. React JS supports web3 libraries very well, and you can copy and paste a huge amount of code from StackOverflow. But it's fine if you prefer to use something like Vue and are already familiar with it. Additionally, we advise Next Js, a React-based framework, but the choice is ultimately yours. If you are not a front-end developer, libraries like bootstrap or materialize CSS can make your life simpler. If you want more design customization but don't want to use raw CSS, we also like Tailwind CSS.
Ultimately you should decide if this bootcamp is for you. Keep in mind that we will not be teaching you web development in this bootcamp.
At Metana, security is given top priority. Most of the assignments are based on hacking. You won't graduate if you are unable to complete the hacks. The sheer volume of frequent hacks demonstrates how poorly versed in security today's smart contract developers are. Our graduates must not contribute to the issue. You won't graduate if you can't finish the hacks. (Don't worry, you'll receive the instruction you require.)
However, becoming a smart contract auditor without having a lot of experience developing smart contracts is not realistic unless you have a solid foundation in cybersecurity. We aim to develop you into a strong web3 developer, but if you are still set on becoming a security auditor, we can show you the next steps.
At Metana we have 3 pillars of success.
1. Curiosity. Ask questions and keep them coming.
2. Consistency. We will closely monitor your GitHub contributions so do NOT try to cram assignments at the last minute. That would never work out well for you.
3. Feedback. Don’t be scared to ask questions or give feedback. Google can’t always explain exactly what you don’t understand. We have a low instructor-to-student ratio specifically to facilitate more communication.
We appreciate student feedback and continuously improve our curriculum based on it.
This changes from week to week. It can be anything between 5 to 35 hours per week and will greatly depend on what’s covered that week and your level of expertise.
We want our students to succeed. So we recommend you reserve at least 20 hours per week for this course. Some weeks might take more hours than others.
In addition to being a bootcamp, we also work as a recruiting firm, and we get paid a commission if we help you find employment. Therefore, we are very invested in you finding a job.
We won't necessarily offer you a job off the bat either. We will work with you to enhance your online presence and make your resume look good. The hiring process is incredibly random, and any successful job search requires submitting numerous applications and acting professionally while doing so.
Yes, this has been done before. You'll improve not only in your job but also in the code you write for it thanks to Metana!
Dhruvin has been in the blockchain space since early 2017 and is currently CTO & Lead Blockchain Developer at
Dhruvin has been a Blockchain professor since 2019 at George Brown College and York University based in Toronto which is Canada’s first college and university to offer a blockchain program.
- For this course, you must have 1-2 years of experience developing Javascript-based production software or one of its syntactical supersets, like TypeScript. (If you're a beginner coder, check out our Full stack - Web3 Beginner bootcamp)
- Bash scripting will be used for a variety of tasks throughout this course, so a level of competence with any shell scripting language is a requirement for success.
- You also need to be familiar with Git and version control systems like GitHub.
This course is designed for programmers with at least 2 years of experience.
If you're a beginner coder, check out our Full stack - web3 Beginner bootcamp. We only accept students with prior programming knowledge and at least 2 years of experience for this bootcamp. You can always come back us after you have a foundation in coding :)
We have solidity professionals signed up for this bootcamp. Because we offer,
Personalized Instruction - Every week you will spend half an hour one-on-one with a senior engineer who will do an expert review of the code you wrote for the assignments. He or she will point out mistakes and suggest improvements. If serious mistakes are found, you must go back and fix them. (If you don’t like taking direct feedback on how to improve, Metana is not for you!)
Small Cohorts - In addition to your weekly personalized meeting, you will meet 1 hour per week with your cohort and the instructor to discuss what you learned, ask hard questions, discuss crypto news, and generally have an awesome discussion with smart and passionate people. Each cohort has a hard cap of 10, and we frequently make it smaller. You will be surrounded by like-minded people who help keep you accountable and stay on track.
Hands-on Emphasis - There is no tutorial hell with Metana. At least 80% of your learning hours will be spent coding or hacking.
Extremely Rigorous Curriculum - Although 80% is practice, the remaining 20% of theory matters too. We don’t see theory and practice as either or. We want you to know the fundamentals and the minute details of how things work.
We go way beyond other courses in what we require you to understand.
For example, towards the end of the course, you will be writing non-trivial smart contracts completely in assembly (Yul), breaking incorrectly used public signature cryptography, creating an Ethereum wallet from scratch, using testing techniques most developers have not heard of, reverse engineering the compiler output without the aid of a decompiler, and recreating hacks that have drained applications of millions of dollars.
You will understand at a deep level how smart contracts store various kinds of data on the blockchain and how transactions are formed and interpreted.
Yes! We have students who are blockchain engineers, & employers pay the tuition.
Around 15% of our students comprise entrepreneurs who have their businesses. This bootcamp will be immensely helpful for a founder as it will help you keep up with the trends and assist you in identifying the latest innovations in the field.
Yes, you can.
Large classes tend people to communicate less which we want to avoid at all costs. We prefer a low instructor-to-student count to facilitate the answering of questions and asking of questions. This class size also makes it easier for the instructor to keep up with your progress, identify your weaknesses, and give you a personalized learning experience.
We want to concentrate on providing a quality service first and then focus on growing our company.
As our testimonials say, this bootcamp is really hard. There is a chance that you will be unable to complete it within the given 16 weeks. With this course, we are trying to condense 2+ years of skill and experience into a period as short as 4 months. During this time, you will constantly learn and make new and lasting connections.
We recommend you check whether you can keep aside 20 to 30 hours per week for 16 weeks to complete this program. If you are somewhat of a slow learner or have relatively less experience, this bootcamp may end up taking all your time. So be prepared for the chance of this becoming your full-time bootcamp.
Of course, we know that the internet is saturated with content and resources. But the real question is, do you know exactly where to begin?
At Metana, we will guide you along a clear roadmap. Time is money. If you cluelessly wander about the internet for useful resources, you will be wasting your time.
If you like us, value your time and would like to be assured that you are taking the best path possible, this bootcamp is for you. We will ensure you don’t waste any time searching for resources. You will not have to scroll for hours on Reddit forums or StackOverflow. All the necessary resources will be at your fingertips.
That is completely fine. As long as you are showing interest and doing the work, we will consider your reasons for taking more time.
However, we’ve taken the utmost care when creating this program and therefore, we expect our students to prioritize this course and take it seriously.
We understand that sometimes, life gets in the way. Things happen and you might have to delay your education. We take these situations on a case-by-case basis and will consider moving you to our next cohort. However, if we notice that you are falling behind because you are not taking it seriously, we will ask you to leave the program.
Our main goal with this program is to equip you with skills to have successful careers in the field of blockchain. But it is up to you to have the passion and interest for this field.
As part of the application process, you will schedule a 30-minute video interview with a student admissions officer. In the three days leading up to the interview, you must complete and pass a coding test with a sufficient score. If your interview is successful, you will receive a conditional offer of acceptance. To secure your place in the program, you must pay at least the first month's tuition.
Our program has seen success with self-taught programmers who work as freelancers. This experience often allows for more flexibility in completing course assignments.
Additionally, a strong passion for learning is key to success in this program, as we focus on staying up-to-date with the latest technologies.
Prior experience with low-level programming languages such as C or C++, as well as having a graduate degree, may also increase the likelihood of success in this program.
Ultimately, the most successful students are those who are highly curious and eager to acquire new knowledge. Our bootcamp aims to streamline the learning process by providing targeted and relevant information, allowing students to focus on mastering new skills through practice
Lectures and study materials at Metana may include both in-house resources and high-quality materials sourced from the internet. These resources may include readings or video content.
While lectures are an important part of the learning process, we believe that hands-on practice is key to truly understanding and retaining the material. Therefore, we try to minimize the amount of time spent in lectures and focus more on problem-solving and working on projects.
During lectures, we make an effort to cover the less obvious or unexpected aspects of the topics being studied.
We started metana in February 2022 and our first bootcamp on June 2022.
Still have a question? Send us an email at [email protected]
Apply for Solidity Bootcamp.
Secure your spot now. Spots are limited, and we accept qualified applicants on a first come, first served basis..
The application is free and takes just 3 minutes to complete.