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Category: Blockchain


Exploring the Mempool: A Deep Dive

Have you ever sent a cryptocurrency payment and felt like it’s taking forever to confirm? You’re not alone. Unlike swiping your debit card, crypto transactions

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DAO Treasury Management

Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) are reshaping collaboration, but managing their treasuries requires specialized knowledge. This guide will take you through the secrets of effective DAO

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The Rise of Layer 2 Solutions

Blockchains, the revolutionary technology underpinning cryptocurrencies and decentralized applications (dApps), have a fundamental challenge: SCALABILITY. As these networks gain traction and user adoption increases, their

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What are Web3.js Providers [Explained]

Web3.js, a popular JavaScript library, empowers developers to build decentralized applications (dApps) that interact with blockchains. But how do these dApps actually connect to the

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Solidity Variables- Types and Uses_

Solidity Variables: Types and Uses

Solidity is the most popular programming language for developing smart contracts on Ethereum. And just like in any programming language, Solidity variables play a crucial

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How to Write Solidity Smart Contracts

Smart contracts are like digital wizards—self-executing agreements with predefined rules, all meticulously encoded. They’re the enchanting core of blockchain technology, promising a world of transparency

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What are Events in Solidity?

What are Solidity Events? Solidity events are a way for smart contracts to communicate with each other and with external applications. They allow developers to

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5 Web3 Courses to Try in Coursera

Web3 coursera courses can help you have an opportunity into the web3 industry. As blockchain technology gains popularity, there is a greater need for qualified

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Smart Contract ABI: What is it?

What is Smart Contract ABI? A smart contract ABI, or Application Binary Interface, is a standard way to interact with smart contracts in the Ethereum

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Is Solidity Hard to Learn?

We at Metana, believe that the learning Solidity programming language is essential for building decentralized applications (dApps) on the Ethereum blockchain. It is a high-level

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Why Learn Solana? Is it worth it?

Solana is now the fourth-biggest cryptocurrency in the world, but what does the future look like for blockchain developers. Should you learn Solana right now?

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